Try our service for FREE!

If you want to try Connection Scan for free, please enter your information here.

By entering the information you give us permission to send out a free trial questionnaire to your team, as a single purpose. We will not contact your team members for any other purpose. All information will be dealt with confidentially. Nothing will be shared with 3rd parties.

This free trial is based on what we call ‘the frequency question’, investigating the frequency of contact between participants.

Once you have sent us the required information we will set up the questionnaire and send it out to your team.

  • Team Members

    Please enter the names and email addresses of your team members that you want to participate in the tests. You can add additional entries by clicking the "plus +" icon.
  • +-

Your team members will receive the following Introduction:

“Following up on your team leader’s request we have set up a short survey to find out about the contact moments between the members of your team. You are kindly asked to complete this questionnaire so that a visual scan of connections in your team can be generated. The questionnaire will ask you about the contact moments with your team members.

Responding will only take a couple of minutes.

To render a personal questionnaire for you we need to know who you are, so please enter your name in the relevant field.

Connection Scan will produce a visualisation of communication patterns within your team which can be used to help you improve engagement, resilience and performance. Recent research at MIT has shown that when teams have a better understanding of their communication patterns they are able to make significant progress towards improvement.

Next you will be presented with lists of your team members and will be asked about how often you communicate with them. Please follow the instructions provided.

The scan is only as accurate as you are honest so please try to be as open and accurate as is possible. To get maximum benefit please tell it how it is and not how you or others would like it to be.”

This free trial questionnaire consist of a single question, which says:

“How frequently do you communicate with the following people? Communication could be face-to-face, by phone, or email.”

Next to every team members’ name respondents can tik a box to indicate the frequency of their contact. They have a choice between:

Very frequently


Occasionally / sometimes


(Almost) never

With Connection Scan we can produce visible images based on tailored questions relating to your team’s specific needs. Questions can be about the current and desired frequency of connections, the importance and satisfaction of connections, the energy gained from the connection, or the respondent’s closeness, gratefulness and trust towards team mates. Other questions can be around the team’s lead mark champion or the importance of members in the supply chain, and many more.

We help you to tailor the survey questions to your needs.

Contact us for any question you may have.

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Connection Scan Certification Training equips you with the essential information and experience
you need to use Connection Scan.

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